Who To Follow

Follow Friday? What’s That?

If you follow me on Twitter, you’re probably aware that I participate in something called #Follow Friday or #FF. I honestly didn’t know anything about this until I’d been on Twitter over a year and met my friend Will. Lots of groups use this hashtag, but it’s been invaluable to me as a writer.

What is Follow Friday?

As the name suggests, it is a list of people and sometimes companies that someone recommends you follow. So in my writing circle, we tag the authors we follow in a post, on any Friday. Some people (like me) just give a list of people with something like “shout-out to these awesome writers! Check them out and find some new friends!” Others just tag a few people, following an acronym such as “CHARACTERS”, in which you’d tag someone whose name starts with a C, then someone whose names starts with an H, and so on. Basically the tag list a tool to help you find more like-minded or like-interests people to connect with.

Who is Follow Friday for? Who do I include?

As I said, this can be used for any group of people you wish to connect. But I’m using it for fellow writers. Occasionally I also tag book groups or book cover designers I follow. Once in a while, I’ll also give a shout-out to my followers — a good way to thank them for following and help them find new connections as well. It’s my suggestion that you alternate these two; it keeps a personal connection with you followers, while making relationships with new people as well.

So who should you follow this Friday?

Check out these profiles:

Bethany Atazadeh
C.G. Drews
Megan Tennant
Angelina Moretti
Marisa Mohi
Victoria Griffin (editor)
Eight Little Pages (book designs and formatting)
Ambient Mixer (background sounds for writing to. You can even make your own!)
S.F.F. Book Bonanza (sign up for their newsletter and have tons of giveaways delivered to your inbox)
Webnode (suuuuper easy to use website host)


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