Who To Follow

Where I Find New Books

Like any book dragon, I need to know where to find new books to read. Now, this can be a really broad answer: bookstore websites, Google, etc. But I’m talking about reliable avenues from my own kind. People whose opinions I trust and whose recommendations I’d be willing to try. Sometimes that means hearing about a book in a video, or reading a synopsis they posted or even just seeing a pretty cover in a picture.

So here are the places I go and the people I follow to hear about new books:

Check out #Bookstagram. This is a great place to see what other people are reading and find some awesome profiles to follow. Here are some specific profiles I follow for stunning bookish photos and new book discovery:
Enchanted Book Box
Pop Reads
Book Book Owl

Please note that I do not endorse any of the above book subscription boxes, as I have never ordered from them; I just follow them for the bookish pictures. I HAVE ordered from Book Book Owl; Jen makes beautiful bookmarks and I do recommend you check out her profile and her shop!

Again, hashtages are your friends. Try #amreading (tack your genre onto the end, ex. #amreadingfantasy) or find books to review or betaread for via #betareading #ARCreviewer And of course follow any writer or reader friends you have or authors that you like. The authors will not only have their own books, but they’ll also promote books that they liked or book written by their friends. Also profiles that connect reader to books or book promotion sites that promote books in the genre you read.
Some Twitter profiles I follow are:
Book Cave
SFF Book Bonanza (if you don’t mind getting their emails, Book Bonanza also has frequent giveaways for Kindles, books, and Amazon gift cards!)
Amazing Bookshelves
Eight Little Pages

Among writers, the nickname AuthorTube has become super popular, as authors are starting to take on a platform that most people never thought writers could use to promote a book.
I started out on AuthorTube when I stumbled across a Jenna Moreci post, then I started check out authors that she followed and eventually several authors I found on Twitter also started vlogs on YouTube.
Bethany Atazadeh
Bella Rose Pope
Marisa Mohi
Cloud Kitten Chronicles
Hannah Lee Kidder

What are your go-to hashtags or places for finding new books? Share them with us in a comment! And yes, you may link your own books!

Happy #amreading!





My TBR Based on Book Covers

A few days ago, I was scrolling through Instagram liking book-ish pictures. And I decided to make a TBR list (To Be Read) based solely on books’ covers. Most of my picks came from C.G. Drews, who has awesome, colorful bookstagram pictures, as well as bookbookowl who is possibly my favorite, Torteen, and The Bookie Box.

Book covers are definitely one of the most important parts of a book! People totally do judge a book by it’s cover! If the cover isn’t appealing or worse if it’s over or under-done, a reader will pick it up, cringe at the image and put it right back.

When you’re picking a cover for your book you need to make sure that it will appeal to your intended audience, be sure it matches the expectations of its genre, is eye-catching but not too busy, and looks like it will add to the story inside. Think of the cover as the appetizer to a great book meal.

If you want to check out a cover designer, I’d recommend Eight Little Pages. Though I have yet to work with them myself, I’ve heard great things about them from many published authors and they are at the top of my list for who to contact when my book is ready for cover art.

So today I’m sharing what I came up with. These picks are based solely on the appeal of the book covers. I haven’t read the synopsis for any of these books, though I know that most if not all of them are in the fantasy genre because that is the type of book that these profiles post. Photos are from Google.

I’ll be trying these books out as soon as I can and for each one I read, I’ll let you know what I thought of it. If you’ve read any of these books, please let me know what you thought of them! Have suggestions? Leave me a comment!

So those are my visual-based TBR picks! What books have you read just based off the covers you liked? Leave a comment to share whether or not the book(s) lived up to your expectations!

For more on creating book covers, check out these videos:

Tips for a Successful Book Cover
Book Cover Art – a Step by Step Process + Eight Little Pages Review
7 Book Cover Pet Peeves

November’s Author Spotlight features my friend Meowmocha. Check out my interview with her here!

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Author Spotlight

Author Spotlight: Megan Tennant

I’ve decided to do Author Spotlight on the first Friday of each month. Today I’m happy to share August’s Author of the Month: Megan Tennant!

 Introduce yourself.
I’m Megan Tennant, Youtube creator for Cloud Kitten Chronicles, mildly adept Twitter user, occasional bookstagramer, and author of the Seventh River series. I have way too many passions, but do my best to focus on writing, Youtube, bookstagram, and reading. I currently live in California with my partner, two feline floofs, and one canine floof.

Tell us about your work, either published or in progress. What is it about and what do you think makes it unique?

I have one published book, a new adult, dystopian novel called Aletheia which released September 2017. I believe that Aletheia is unique in many ways. As a dystopian novel Aletheia stands out as a new adult book which avoids most of the cliches of the genre. Perhaps one of the most unique things I bring to the table is my science knowledge. I have a Bachelor’s degree in biology, and wove that knowledge into my story, from the metal cuffs bound to the arms of the Nameless, to the disease which interrupts memory reconsolidation and leads to a slow loss of all memories.

My current work in progress is the second novel in the Seventh River Series, Red River (though I have many ideas in the works for the future). As for what makes Red River unique, I can’t say much just yet, but I believe it will be a worthy sequel to Aletheia.

What keeps you working on it? Why are you so inspired to create this?

I’m a creative through and through. Writing books is an amazing outlet for this because I can create anything I can imagine, from characters to plots to worlds. There’s no limit to what I can build. Dystopia and post-apocalyptic have always been my favorite genres, and so inspiration comes especially easy when I’m working on the Seventh River series. They say that you should write the type of book you want to read; well, I read so many dystopian books that I knew exactly what dystopian book I wanted to read next, and I set out to write it.

What does your social circle mean to you or what do your social media connections mean to you?

My social media connections mean the world to me. I’ve found so much support in the writing and reading communities on Twitter, Instagram, and Youtube. I’m not sure where I would be without my social circle. I found all of Aletheia’s betas through Twitter, learned so much of what I know about writing and publishing through Youtube, and have discovered such an infinite well of positivity and support through Instagram. Social media has made me the creator I am today.

What do you hope to give back to your supporters and fellow creative?

Support, knowledge, laughter, and in the case of my readers, all of the feels. Creative careers are incredibly fulfilling and I can’t imagine my life anywhere else, but this path can also be very difficult. I want to do my very best to make it easier whenever I can. From authortube videos sharing what I’ve learned about writing, to sharing the work I love from fellow creators, to tweeting random bits of humor and making funny booktube videos. The world can be a rough place sometimes, and I want to do my best to help make it a little bit easier, or at least a little bit more fun.

 Is there anything else about yourself or your work that you’d like to share?

I’d really just like to say thank you. To my readers, my followers, my subscribers, and to anyone out there who helps support others in any way they can. We need to all stick together. Writers, readers, and everyone else too.

Why do I follow this author?

Megan is so friendly — she is one of the first authors I found on Twitter, and I always enjoy reading her tweets, watching her videos, and hearing what she is working on. She never has anything bad to say about her fellow writers and she is quick to remind us all that while we’re going to make mistakes, we’re also going to be super proud of ourselves when we push on and get our books written. She is very encouraging and I’m so happy to know her!

How did I find her?

Like a lot of writers, when I find a person I really like, that is a good place to look for more friends; I found Megan via following Jenna Moreci. When you find a creative you like on social media, look at who they follow and more importantly who they interact with a lot — if you’re seeing someone you can relate to post frequently, maybe that’s someone you should be following too.

What do I like about Megan’s work in particular?

I’ll admit that I haven’t read Aletheia yet; it’s on my TBR list for after I get a new job. But given what I’ve read about it on Megan’s website and Twitter, I have no doubt that I’ll love reading it. Plus, any author who promises to step away from the normal expectations of their genre is always worth trying out, for me. Authors tend to follow trends, in order to gain readers; and that’s fine, but I like to look out for authors who step away from the trends enough to really make the story stand out. I believe Aletheia is one such story.
I do, however, enjoy watching Megan’s YouTube channel. I have a difficult time finding YouTube videos that I enjoy and I can learn from; not everyone I’ve watched has been able to keep my attention, teach me something about my craft, and keep me coming back for more, but Megan definitely has!

Where do I follow Megan?

I follow Megan on Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram.
You can also find her on Goodreads.
And make sure you check out her website too, and her brand new Patreon page!

Where can you get a copy of her book?

Aletheia is available on Amazon or you can order a signed copy here!


A big thank you to Megan for agreeing to be featured here! I had a lot of fun talking with you and putting this post together!