about me, My Book, My Writing

Where Am I and What Am I?

Hey everyone!
Wanted to say thank you to my new followers, here on the blog and on Twitter, THANK YOU! 

Just wanted to share my platform links because I haven’t done that in a while, and in case you’re wondering yes — I normally do have different content on each one. That’s just how I am. I know some authors post the same thing on each, but that’s never been how I do it, at least not right now. Probably when I’m actually pomoting a book that will change.

Anyway, if you’re curious about where to follow me, here are my links:

The blog, as you can tell, is a mix of writing tips, book and movie reviews, and author interviews:

Twitter is where you’ll find me the most often. Polls, retweets, and generally everyday life thoughts. FYI, I don’t always follow back. I’ve talked about this before; if we interact a few times and I really have a connection with someone or they seem like a great resource to have in the #WritingCommunity, then I’ll follow, but I don’t automatically follow back everyone. I really am looking for networking connections. I don’t want to follow everyone and forget who’s who, I try to keep in touch with everyone I follow so we can have a meaningful friendship. That’s my Twitter disclaimer. I do however, try to at least retweet your pinned tweet and check out your profile, if you follow me. That just seems like the polite thing to do.

This is my page on Facebook, where I share progress, aesthetics, and quotes from my WIP fantasy novel, Dragon Key.

I’m active on Instagram too! At this time of year, a lot of my garden projects show up here, plus my adventures in learning to make my own teas, my manx cat Windy, and just everday life stuff.

And on the photography note, I have an Etsy shop, where I sell file downloads of my photography! These downloads are super affordable, they turn out on print well if you choose to go that route, but they also make excellent computer and phone backgrounds!

And I also keep a Facebook page for the photography, where I’ll let you know if I’m getting new files in the shop, when I’m holding sales, and when I’m donating part of the sales to charities. That’s Circle R Photography on Facebook.


So that’s all I have for you today.
What about you? Do you have a blog for me to follow? Instagram? YouTube channel? Where can I find you? Drop your link(s) in the comments!



Who To Follow

Where I Find New Books

Like any book dragon, I need to know where to find new books to read. Now, this can be a really broad answer: bookstore websites, Google, etc. But I’m talking about reliable avenues from my own kind. People whose opinions I trust and whose recommendations I’d be willing to try. Sometimes that means hearing about a book in a video, or reading a synopsis they posted or even just seeing a pretty cover in a picture.

So here are the places I go and the people I follow to hear about new books:

Check out #Bookstagram. This is a great place to see what other people are reading and find some awesome profiles to follow. Here are some specific profiles I follow for stunning bookish photos and new book discovery:
Enchanted Book Box
Pop Reads
Book Book Owl

Please note that I do not endorse any of the above book subscription boxes, as I have never ordered from them; I just follow them for the bookish pictures. I HAVE ordered from Book Book Owl; Jen makes beautiful bookmarks and I do recommend you check out her profile and her shop!

Again, hashtages are your friends. Try #amreading (tack your genre onto the end, ex. #amreadingfantasy) or find books to review or betaread for via #betareading #ARCreviewer And of course follow any writer or reader friends you have or authors that you like. The authors will not only have their own books, but they’ll also promote books that they liked or book written by their friends. Also profiles that connect reader to books or book promotion sites that promote books in the genre you read.
Some Twitter profiles I follow are:
Book Cave
SFF Book Bonanza (if you don’t mind getting their emails, Book Bonanza also has frequent giveaways for Kindles, books, and Amazon gift cards!)
Amazing Bookshelves
Eight Little Pages

Among writers, the nickname AuthorTube has become super popular, as authors are starting to take on a platform that most people never thought writers could use to promote a book.
I started out on AuthorTube when I stumbled across a Jenna Moreci post, then I started check out authors that she followed and eventually several authors I found on Twitter also started vlogs on YouTube.
Bethany Atazadeh
Bella Rose Pope
Marisa Mohi
Cloud Kitten Chronicles
Hannah Lee Kidder

What are your go-to hashtags or places for finding new books? Share them with us in a comment! And yes, you may link your own books!

Happy #amreading!




My Writings

I’m Back!!

Hi, everyone! I’m back from hiatus…And other places.
(Photos in this post are mine. Do not use without permission, thanks!)

About a month ago on Twitter I announced I needed to take a break from the blog, and I’m glad I did! We’re still working on some family issues, getting a close family member some help in his golden years, plus my entire work department had to pack up and move, I had a garden to get in, and I went on vacation to visit family. Suffice to say, it’s a good thing I took a break from some of my writing projects.

But I’m back.

Today is just basically a sum-up for you guys on what’s going on.

As far as writing, I am working on a couple of fan fictions for funsies; these are private for the time being, as that is where I go to escape, but I might put them online when they are done. And I’m making a lot of progress on a NaNoWriMo story I started back in ’16; it’s a young adult fantasy and…humor…? Is that a subcategory for fantasy? It should be. The story is very light right now, but the second half will be darker. With this story I have finally been able to do what J.K. Rowling always said to do and that is write what amuses me, and it’s going so well! My critique partner/writer buddy likes it too, so I’m starting to be more hopeful that THIS story might actually become my debut novel, but we’ll just have to see what happens. Want a hint? My main character is a dragon! See, you like it already, don’t you?

I’ve also been looking at new avenues for selling my photography, as that evolves away from simply being income for writing endeavors and becomes more of a daily income kind of thing. I’m so happy that so many people have looked at my photos, given feedback, and supported my little Etsy shop! Thank you all! I am also looking a beginner to mid-level photography contests, so if you can recommend any, please do! Bear in mind I do mostly nature photography.
Golden Rays Sunset SUNSET06.jpg

And as my Facebook friends and Twitter followers know, I just got back from vacation!

This was super exciting for many reasons, not the least of which is that I flew for the very first time, all by myself!

Shout out to all my family who came and got me from the airport and showed me around and helped me have such an awesome time, and for my buddy Emma for taking me to and picking me up from the airport! (Even when my flight came in the middle of the night)

I’ll probably be doing some blogs posts on my adventures, but for the most part I’m looking to submit various aspects of my adventures, freelance, to different publications and see if I can get anywhere with this travel writing thing. If anyone has suggestions for print or online companies/publications to check out, please leave me a comment!

In the meantime, I am prepping Sunday blog posts again! Book reviews are coming, as well as vacation stuff, photos, and maybe another sneak preview of my dragon story if you have interest in that.
If you want to know more about what’s going on with my photos and be the first to know about upcoming drawings/contests, like my Facebook page! Today I have one drawing ending but I have more planned for the near future!

I hope you all are enjoying your summer so far (or your winter, depending where you are) and having adventures of your own!

Thanks for reading my post; if you like what you’ve seen from my blog, please give me a follow or a comment, I love to hear from you!

Happy reading and writing!



Dirt Road Dream Photos

Snapshots: Spring!

March is almost here and to me, that means my favorite season: spring!

In celebration of the new season, I’ve put some new photos in my Etsy shop! I’d like to share some of them here, along with some favorite quotes. I hope you enjoy, and I hope spring finds us soon!

*All pictures are my own and may not be shared, printed, used, or reproduced without my permission. If you see something you like, please go to my shop, where these and more are available as digital downloads.

Periwinkle Blue Stars


No winter lasts forever; no spring skips its turn. – Hal Borland

It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold, when it is summer in the light and winter in the shade. – Charles Dickens

“Some old-fashioned things like fresh air and sunshine are hard to beat,” Laura Ingalls Wilder.
“Deep in their roots, all flowers keep the light,” Theodore Roethke.
“Blossom by blossom the spring begins,” Algernon Charles Swinburne. Apple Blossoms


Improving My Writing

The Benefits of Using a Storyboard

Note: none of the pictures in this post are my own, they are screenshots from my Pinterest boards.

There are lots of ways to organize ideas for your book. And everyone has their own preferred way of doing it; lots of us outline, but we each do it in our own way and it’s the same with story ideas.

Personally, I like to make storyboards on Pinterest. You can use other platforms too, or collect pictures on your computer or even use a paper scrapbook or on notecards in a recipe box. And it’s not just for fiction — a storyboard would work for nonfiction like travel guides, cookbooks, memoirs and anything else you want to write!

For me, there are five benefits of using a storyboard to help move my story along and keep me focused:

  1. One location for my thoughts.
    Usually, I’ll still have some ideas jotted down in a notebook. But I like my Pinterest boards because I know that’s where each board is. “Storyboard: Kya,” “Storyboard: The Fall,” “Storyboard: Dragon Key.” It’s all right there for me to access and see.
  2. Gives me a visual.
    I am a visual person. So I love being able to see locations, characters’ faces, even things characters might say or own. It helps me keep track of what characters look like, what their personalities are like, and where they are or where they are going. Obviously, I’m not trying to make them look just like the picture of the person I pinned and I’m not going to use words as my own unless they are a free-use writing prompt; but having those things readily available for me to see is a huge advantage, especially if I’m dealing with a large cast of characters.
  3. Can make sub-categories.
    This is very easy now with Pinterest’s new feature which allows me to make categories within each board, but you could use this approach no matter where your storyboard is. This is helpful for keeping track of protagonists, antagonists, minor characters and all their motives, habits, and appearances.
  4. Can be private or shared.
    All of my storyboards are private, because I feel more secure in adding ideas if I’m the only one who can see them. My stories are my babies and I don’t really like to share any part of them until they are complete. I don’t want you drawing conclusions from the grub, I want you to see the butterfly. But, if you choose, you can make your ideas public and maybe take suggestions, or have one or two close friends help you collect ideas. This would be good if you’re working on a collaboration or if you have friends who know your stories as well as you do.
  5. It’s a place for all your ideas, even if you don’t use them all.
    Underwriters, overwriters, any writers — it’s my opinion that you should keep all the ideas that come to you for your story, even if you don’t end up using all of them. Having extra ideas on hand or added insight to a character is always helpful, it can get you through a spell of writer’s block or fix the little plot holes that come up when outlining. I have boards for my novels as well as my fanfics. Sometimes I can even use an idea from one to help another.

Do you use any sort of storyboards or character files for your stories? Tell me what you use, I’m always looking for new ideas!
You can check out my Pinterest boards (sans storyboards) here.




2018 Wrap Up

Yes, I know it’s almost the end of January. But I figure as long as we’re still in the first month of the new year, it’s still a good time to talk about last year.

A lot happened in the last year. I did a lot of things and learned a lot about myself.

The thing: Early in 2018, I accompanied some friends on their family vacation. We drove 14 hours from mid-Michigan, up through the U.P, and to Minnesota, where we spent a week.
The take away: Riding 14 hrs in a car with a total of three adults and two kids and a lot of luggage is not something anyone should do, ever. But whad a lot of fun and saw The Mall of America, went to the zoo, the aquarium (I’d never been to one before), and an indoor kids’ playground, we went swimming in the warmest hotel pool ever. I also got food poisoning, but it gave me a day to myself in the hotel to regroup, so whatever.

The thing: I read 12 books! I haven’t read that many in one year in a really long time.
Take away: I like ebooks more than I thought I did, because some of those 12 I could read on my phone any time. My buddy book club failed after one month (insert grumbling sounds) but I was able to beta read an amazing book and I read and reviewed several ARCs!

The thing: I learned how to say no.
Take away: I’m happier. I don’t have people depending on me when they are perfectly capable of caring for themselves. I’m not so bloody tired all the time.

The thing: I stopped watching mainstream news. I do still watch the news; I am aware of what’s going on in the world.
Take away: I’m SO much happier! If you listen to fear-mongers every single night, yes you’re going to start hating life and questioning existence. So I’m limiting my intake. Disclaimer: I totally think it’s important to know what’s going on in the world! But I’m taking smaller doses and I’m not relying on mainstream media. Instead of the CBS Evening News, I watch TCT more often and actually see that there are some good things that happen every day. Or I read articles online.

The thing: I put my book aside.
Take away: My book is on hold indefinitely, while I figure out how to make a day to day plan to make income. I’m looking into freelance writing, proofreading, transcribing jobs, and most of all travel writing. I’m taking online classes through Udemy. And since the end of October, I’ve been working on a fan fiction that is now at 50k words and I’m editing and getting ready to post the first part online.
The thing with the book was I no longer wanted to work on it, to the point that I was starting to hate writing. I’m not saying Kya will never be published; I’m just not ready for it right now. And I do still plan to write fiction, but right now I need to start making writing into a real job and start planning. Because I’m 29 and I need goals.

The thing: I had to deal with car problems several times this year.
Take away: I might possibly be an adult now. Patches had to get towed three times this year, I safely pulled into a parking lot after navigating roughly a half mile of city traffic after my brake line broke, so I had no breaks, and my wipers stopped working right when I needed them so I went to an auto parts store on my way home all by myself and got them replaced. I also got my windshield replaced. Thankfully, my dad was able to do most of the repairs on my car so I only had to pay for parts, and my grandpa let me use his AAA Membership to have my car towed because my insurance would only pay for 5 miles and home was 40 miles away on all three occasions (starting to think Patches doesn’t like the city).
On that note, I bought myself a AAA Membership card, which I highly recommend! I paid $117 for a one year premium membership. Some of the things my plan covers is: free gas delivery, roadside assistance, roadside medical assistance for me and my passengers, (1) hundred mile tow, and up to I believe (2) 400 mile tows. If you want more info, definitely check out their website, this is a great addition to my car insurance, for when I’m far from home or need a little extra help!

The thing: As I mentioned above, I am taking some online courses through Udemy, though I plan to use some other sights as well. I know SkillShare is a great place, but what I was looking for was a site that lets me pay once per class. For me, this makes way more sense than paying a monthly subscription and trying to do as much work as possible per month. On Udemy, I pay once per class and have a lifetime access to it — this seemed like a way better deal. Their class prices vary, but keep en eye out for sales! I bought three classes at their New Year’s sale, when everything was 50% or more off! Most of the classes in this sale were $10 each, so I scooped up the three most expensive classes that I wanted all at once: a value of  $380 for just $30!
Take away: Obviously, if timed right, this is a huge value. Plus the lifetime access means I can visit these classes and instructors at any time in my writing journey. I’m loving my first class so far and I plan to do a review on it as soon as I’m done.

The thing: I made a lot of new writer friends this year!
Take away: I was able to interview some exceptional writers for my Author Spotlight posts; and because we were communicating much more than usual, I was able to become friends with a lot of them.

The thing: I started an Etsy shop!
Take away: I’m very excited to be sharing my love of nature and photography! All income from the photos will be used to further my writing, be it retreats and conferences, or my new laptop fund, or travel expenses or classes. I made my very first sale last week and that was very exciting for me and I’m happy to see that someone enjoys my work! At this point, I’m selling them only as digital downloads. You can check out my shop here and follow me on Facebook.

The thing: Beta read for the first time!
Take away: Beta reading was a lot of fun and I learned how to be a better reader and writer. Mostly I learned how to communicate better. PS, Critter Haven is now available, check it out! I loved this book!

So that’s my year in a nutshell! I also went camping with my best friend (in a tent) for the first time, I got my old job back at the library where I work with some awesome friends, I’ve recently been offered publication for one of my stories (more on that later), and I sent out fan mail for the first time. I have plenty of goals for 2019 to keep me busy.

What were some highlights of 2018 for you?








Dirt Road Dream Photos

Bonus Post: Picture This!

Hello everyone, and welcome to the holiday season!

You may or may not be aware, in addition to writing I really love taking pictures, especially those of nature and the sights around my rural Michigan home. I’ve accumulated a lot of them over the years and I’ve never been quite sure of what to do with them, but I’ve been wanting to find a way for other people too enjoy them too.

I’ve also recently been looking at my self-publishing goals for my book. This year I started saving for the expenses involved, taking a little from each paycheck and putting any extra income toward the book as well. I know other authors have used funding pages such as Kickstarter to help pay for their book’s publishing, but that wasn’t quite what I was looking for. I wanted something more long-term, and something I could continue to use for each book.

So to solve these two issues, last week I opened a shop on Etsy, selling digital downloads of my photos. The funds from these sales will go directly to publishing my book — this is not extra income for my day-to-day life.

I decided on digital downloads both to save me the expense of ink and photo paper and to save customers the shipping cost. With the downloads, all one has to do is add the photo to their cart, make the payment, download, and print however they’d like or use them as a digital background.

The shop’s name (I’m not a fan of naming things) is Dirt Road Dream Photos. At the moment, I have 15 items listed, with more to come. Photos range from sunsets and flowers to a bird’s nest and fall colors, and more!

Here are a few of the pictures listed:
(*Note that these pictures are my personal property. For use, purchase is required.)

 To view the rest, visit my shop here.

All I’m asking of my friends is that you check out my shop and share with a friend who you think would enjoy it!

Also, I have a sale set up for Nov. 22nd – Dec. 15th!
During those dates use promo code: HOLIDAY18 to get 10% your order of $12.00.

I’ve been working to add more photos for this sale and expect to have the listing complete before the sale starts on Thanksgiving Day.

These photos would look great as wall décor, prints, digital backgrounds, as a gift, and more! No waiting for the product to ship — item can be printed onto whatever material you want!

Each item lists shop policies and dimensions.

Thank you for your support of my blog and my writing! I hope you all have a memorable and safe Thanksgiving!