Who To Follow

Where I Find New Books

Like any book dragon, I need to know where to find new books to read. Now, this can be a really broad answer: bookstore websites, Google, etc. But I’m talking about reliable avenues from my own kind. People whose opinions I trust and whose recommendations I’d be willing to try. Sometimes that means hearing about a book in a video, or reading a synopsis they posted or even just seeing a pretty cover in a picture.

So here are the places I go and the people I follow to hear about new books:

Check out #Bookstagram. This is a great place to see what other people are reading and find some awesome profiles to follow. Here are some specific profiles I follow for stunning bookish photos and new book discovery:
Enchanted Book Box
Pop Reads
Book Book Owl

Please note that I do not endorse any of the above book subscription boxes, as I have never ordered from them; I just follow them for the bookish pictures. I HAVE ordered from Book Book Owl; Jen makes beautiful bookmarks and I do recommend you check out her profile and her shop!

Again, hashtages are your friends. Try #amreading (tack your genre onto the end, ex. #amreadingfantasy) or find books to review or betaread for via #betareading #ARCreviewer And of course follow any writer or reader friends you have or authors that you like. The authors will not only have their own books, but they’ll also promote books that they liked or book written by their friends. Also profiles that connect reader to books or book promotion sites that promote books in the genre you read.
Some Twitter profiles I follow are:
Book Cave
SFF Book Bonanza (if you don’t mind getting their emails, Book Bonanza also has frequent giveaways for Kindles, books, and Amazon gift cards!)
Amazing Bookshelves
Eight Little Pages

Among writers, the nickname AuthorTube has become super popular, as authors are starting to take on a platform that most people never thought writers could use to promote a book.
I started out on AuthorTube when I stumbled across a Jenna Moreci post, then I started check out authors that she followed and eventually several authors I found on Twitter also started vlogs on YouTube.
Bethany Atazadeh
Bella Rose Pope
Marisa Mohi
Cloud Kitten Chronicles
Hannah Lee Kidder

What are your go-to hashtags or places for finding new books? Share them with us in a comment! And yes, you may link your own books!

Happy #amreading!
